Preparing families, homes, businesses and entire communities to better withstand and be resilient in the face of catastrophic events saves lives and property, creates jobs, and reduces the costs of insurance – helping consumers in both the long and short term. The greatest risk in Gulf and Atlantic states comes from hurricanes and tropical storms, and this risk is only increasing with climate change.

FAIR Actions

Funding Mitigation- Supporting legislation at both the state and federal level to increase funding and incentives for mitigation.
PACE – Encourage local government to adopt PACE which gives property owners access to fixed rate financing to fund mitigation and preparedness projects.

FAIR Foundation Actions

Educate communities and individuals on the importance and benefits of mitigation.
Develop tools to determine utility and insurance savings from mitigation investments.
Assist consumers find resources to fund their mitigation projects.
Get Ready Broward! and Get Ready Florida! Initiatives – Programs to better prepare individuals in Florida and the Broward County community for catastrophic events.
Reduce Loss Exposures

Reduce Loss Exposures
Promote Robust Competitive Markets

Promote Robust Competitive Markets
Educate Insurance Consumers

Educate Insurance Consumers
Reduce Uninsured Risk

Reduce Uninsured Risk
Eliminate Unnecessary Cost Drivers

Eliminate Unnecessary Cost Drivers

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