Fort Lauderdale, FL – The Florida Association for Insurance Reform (FAIR) joins seven organizations in supporting the Ross Murphy Flood bill pending in Congress. “The Ross Murphy legislation is a critical step for insurance consumers who need private market alternatives to the National Flood Insurance Program,” said Jay Neal, President and CEO.
Today, FAIR, the Florida Realtors®, 1,000 Friends of Florida, the Florida Bankers Association, the Florida League of Cities, R Street, the Florida Chamber of Commerce, and the Florida Wildlife Federation, co-signed letters to US Senators Nelson and Rubio asking them to bring the Flood Insurance Market Parity and Modernization Act (also known as the Ross Murphy bill) to the Senate floor.
In requesting the support of the Senators, FAIR and the other seven organizations stated that this measure will “benefit Americans by giving them more choices for flood insurance while shielding taxpayers from the burden of assuming additional NFIP debt.”
The full text of the letter to Senators Nelson and Rubio are linked to below.
Nelson LoS for Ross-Murphy bill (PDF)
Rubio LoS for Ross-Murphy bill (PDF)