FORT LAUDERDALE, FL – Commissioner Kevin McCarty is being recognized with a Lifetime Achievement Award for his 27 years of public service, by FAIR, the Florida Association for Insurance Reform. Also being honored at the organization’s third annual awards dinner and gala are Joseph Petrelli and Sharon Romano Petrelli, founder and co-founder of the one of the nation’s leading insurance rating agencies, Demotech, Inc. Other awards are being presented to Outstanding Legislators, Senator Jeremy Ring and Representative Jake Raburn, and to the Miami-Dade Board of County Commissioners for their residential pool safety initiative.
Commissioner McCarty made history when he became the first non-elected insurance commissioner for the state of Florida. He is recognized as a champion for consumers and a stabilizing force in the property insurance market, balancing consumer protections with the need to return Citizens policyholders to the private market and reduce the risk of additional assessments for all Floridians. Under his leadership, Florida has seen worker’s compensations rates drop more than 50 percent, overcome the unprecedented 2004-05 storm seasons which saw 8 storms make landfall in Florida, and navigated the changing regulatory environment resulting from the Affordable Care Act. In addition to his role as the Florida Commissioner, McCarty is a past President of the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC). He is recognized as a national and international leader on insurance regulatory issues and currently serves as the NAIC representative to the International Association of Insurance Supervisors Executive and Technical Committees and is co vice-chair of the Executive Committee.
Joseph Petrelli and Sharon Romano Petrelli founded Demotech, an Ohio based financial analysis company in 1983. The duo are considered industry icons as their company reviews and rates more than four hundred regional and national insurance companies including title underwriters and other specialty insurance carriers.
Date:Thursday, September, 17, 2015
Location:Kovens Conference Center, N. Miami
Time:6:00pm – 9:00pm
Tickets are available at, (954) 366-2922.